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Expert Trainer







Добро пожаловать в Alexflex GYM

Качественое оборудование Take advantage of our spacious gym equipped with a wide range of gym fitness machines so you can achieve the maximum benefits from your workouts.
Качественое оборудование Take advantage of our spacious gym equipped with a wide range of gym fitness machines so you can achieve the maximum benefits from your workouts.
Кардио-зона Take advantage of our spacious gym equipped with a wide range of gym fitness machines so you can achieve the maximum benefits from your workouts.
Кардио-зона Take advantage of our spacious gym equipped with a wide range of gym fitness machines so you can achieve the maximum benefits from your workouts.
Просторные раздевалки и душевые Take advantage of our spacious gym equipped with a wide range of gym fitness machines so you can achieve the maximum benefits from your workouts.
Просторные раздевалки и душевые Take advantage of our spacious gym equipped with a wide range of gym fitness machines so you can achieve the maximum benefits from your workouts.
Фитнес-бар Take advantage of our spacious gym equipped with a wide range of gym fitness machines so you can achieve the maximum benefits from your workouts.
Фитнес-бар Take advantage of our spacious gym equipped with a wide range of gym fitness machines so you can achieve the maximum benefits from your workouts.
Аттестованные тренеры Take advantage of our spacious gym equipped with a wide range of gym fitness machines so you can achieve the maximum benefits from your workouts.
Аттестованные тренеры Take advantage of our spacious gym equipped with a wide range of gym fitness machines so you can achieve the maximum benefits from your workouts.
Консультации по питанию Take advantage of our spacious gym equipped with a wide range of gym fitness machines so you can achieve the maximum benefits from your workouts.
Консультации по питанию Take advantage of our spacious gym equipped with a wide range of gym fitness machines so you can achieve the maximum benefits from your workouts.

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+7(938) 153 33 34




г. Азов, ул. Ленина, 77Б, ТД "Покупкин", 3 этаж
Соц. сети
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